Windows 10 version 1909 (also known as November 2019 Update) has reached its end of support. This means that Microsoft will no longer provide updates and security patches, which poses significant security risks. Unless your system requirements explicitly need to stay with this version for some reason (which is rare), the recommendation from both Microsoft and cybersecurity best practices is to upgrade your Windows 10 to a later, still supported version. Doing so will keep you safer and ensure continued compatibility with new software.
如果你不想要新的问题出现,确实不应再继续进行大的版本迭代更新。然而从安全性和稳定性角度出发,在可能的情况下保持系统的及时更新是一个明智的选择。建议尽快更新至较新的受支持的Windows 10 版本,或者如果条件允许,直接考虑升至Windows 11系统。不过在更新前,请务必备份好你的数据。